Master of Arts in Social Communication

Affiliated with Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Duration: Two-Year

Admission Intake: 1st June – 30th August

Masters of Arts in Social Communication focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of audio-visual technologies and techniques, digital design and production, new media for the non-profits, multimedia storytelling, and technology journalism.Masters of Arts in Social Communication offers career opportunities in legacy, and digital media in the areas of online journalism, transmedia storytelling, advertising, public relations, corporate communication, media advocacy, activism, research, and education.


Course structure



SCFC -01Human communication: Themes and Perspectives

SCFC -02Layout, Design and Production

SCFC-03Media, Society and Culture

SCFC -04 Media and Communication Research

SCFC -05News Reporting, Writing and Editing

SCFC -06Practical Field Work and Viva-voce



SCCP-01Essentials of Tribal Communication

SCCP-02Audio-visual Production: Technologies and Techniques

SCCP-03Development Communication in an age of Digital Media

SCCP-04New media, Non-profits and Corporate Social Responsibility

SCCP-05Audio and Video Editing

SCCP-06Practical Field Work and Viva-voce



SCCP-07Photography and Visual Storytelling

SCCP-08Media laws and Ethics

SCCP-09Advertising and Public relations

SCCP-10Media Management

SCCP-11Development Journalism

SCCP -12Internship



SCCP-13Essentials Social Marketing

SCCP-14Managing Non-Governmental Organizations

SCCP-15Specialization (Majors) in any one:

1.Transmedia storytelling

2.Technology Journalism

3.Social Communications

SCCP-16Professional Portfolio

SCCP-17Major Project

SCCP-18Master Thesis



Baijayanti Prasad

In Charge – Social Communication


Phone: +91 8249685597