Social Work and Social Sciences (NISWASS) was born in the Year 1971.Our campus in Pulbani is known as Phulbani College of Social Work (PCSW). It is an undergraduate college where the B.A in social Work degree is taught.
The campus is located in the Kandhamal District, which is a part of the Western Odisha Development Area and also adjoins the KBK district. Students are recruited from the same locality and belonging to the SCs, STs and other marginalized sections of the locality.
The annual intake of students in the college is thirty. The campus has its own land. It provides hostel facility to the boys.

Hill Campus: Phulbani (Kandhamal)
Academic building
The second Hill Area campus in Phulbani
caters to the Tribal and Indigenous people of
Kondhmal, Bolangir, Kalahandi and Ganjam